News - May 28, 2020

INCOMPAS Statement on White House Executive Order Targeting Social Media and Free Speech

WASHINGTON, D.C. (May 28, 2020) – The White House is expected to release an Executive Order targeting social media today that would put Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act at risk.

In response, Chip Pickering, CEO of INCOMPAS released the following statement:

“We the people built our nation on laws. Laws that protect speech, laws that promote innovation, laws that guarantee our freedoms will flourish forever.  Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act is the law of the land for a reason. It gives all people the ability to raise their voice, promote their ideas and create new businesses online.

“Since the dawn of our democracy, promoting free speech while protecting our citizens from harm has always been a collective responsibility that is already enshrined into the 230 law and should not be changed.  Social media is an American made engine for economic growth and opportunity. The Executive Order threatens to hurt innovators and small business on Main Street who depend on social media the most.” 

INCOMPAS, the internet and competitive networks association, is the leading trade group advocating for competition policy across all networks. INCOMPAS represents Internet, streaming, communications and technology companies large and small, advocating for laws and policies that promote competition, innovation and economic development. Learn more at or follow us on Twitter: @INCOMPAS @ChipPickering