News - May 13, 2020
INCOMPAS Letter to Congress: Emergency Broadband Funds Critical for Small Business Recovery Efforts and 5G Goals
WASHINGTON, D.C. (May 13, 2020) – INCOMPAS, the internet and competitive networks association is calling on Congress to allocate resources to help small businesses pay their broadband bills, support critical network infrastructure and keep funding for 5G moving forward.
In a letter sent to the Senate Commerce Committee today, INCOMPAS highlights the risks to networks that support small businesses, schools and hospitals as COVID-19’s economic disruptions. They are calling for an emergency fund to help small business customers who are unable to pay their bills, yet still need access to essential services during the pandemic and the recovery.
“Small businesses are the engine of America’s economy. But Main Street simply will not run without broadband and voice communication services,” said Chip Pickering, CEO of INCOMPAS in the letter.
INCOMPAS, who represents dozens of fiber builders and small local network broadband and voice providers, was a leader in supporting the FCC’s “Keep Americans Connected” Pledge. The letter also highlights that no network is an island, and loss of revenue in the business marketplace will harm other provider’s connections and infrastructure investment in wireless and 5G goals.
INCOMPAS, the internet and competitive networks association, is the leading trade group advocating for competition policy across all networks. INCOMPAS represents Internet, streaming, communications and technology companies large and small, advocating for laws and policies that promote competition, innovation and economic development. Learn more at or follow us on Twitter: @INCOMPAS @ChipPickering